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Open Vacancies in MIDDLE EAST (With LISTED JOBS)
OK Work Updates

Open Vacancies in MIDDLE EAST (With LISTED JOBS)

Open Vacancies in MIDDLE EAST (With LISTED JOBS)

Before jump to the Open Vacancies in MIDDLE EAST. Let’s know about our website, history and working method through our website. Let’s began

Establish from 2017 the OKUpdates main aim to provide jobs vacancy information to all around the world’s job seeker candidates. It’s not particular one country or region. It’s open vacancy for everyone. If you are able to apply and you fulfill all circumstances, you are most welcome here. First let’s be clear we are not any specify

Manpower or nor we are employment agency either we are not company. We only collect jobs information from various industry, manpower, trusted website agency and many other sources and published in our social media and here in website and collect your document from here and if your document fulfill all requirement. We will send it demanded company.

We cannot have published Company details here because our website and company policy. That is why the main reason we are unable to publish company details.

How much Cost for Apply or anything else?

>> Its 100% Free of cost and we are not taking 1Riyal for apply propose. We never and ever ask you for your private details like your bank statement, personal document or anything personal. Just make one beautiful CV with all genuine information. And rest we did for you.

How do we know get selected?

After submitted your CV/ Bio Data/ Resume we will verify from our export. Better your all provide details should be genuine and must not any criminal history and physically and mentally fit and perfect.

Now Let’s have a look open vacancy in MIDDLE EAST. Its various places in MIDDLE EAST All visa document and ticket founding by company if you are selected.

Open Vacancies in MIDDLE EAST (With LISTED JOBS)

Job details & other information

S.N.     Job Position                          Demand              Salary            

1          Farm Worker                           500                  Riyal2600

2          Factory Worker                       500                 Riyal2600

3          Production Worker                  250                  Riyal2500

4          Garment Worker                     500                  Riyal2600

5          Fruit Picker | Packer               250                  Riyal2400

6          Chef | Cook                             150                  Riyal3000

7          Waiter | Waitress                    250                  Riyal2700

8          Cashier                                    100                  Riyal3000

9          Office Boy | Girl                      200                  Riyal2600

10        Storekeeper                            70                    Riyal3000

11        Computer Operator                 50                    Riyal2800

12        Cleaners                                  100                  Riyal2400

13        Dishwasher | Laundry             200                  Riyal2400

14        Driver| Carpenter                    100                  Riyal2600

15        Security Guard                        50                    Riyal2700

16        Housekeeper | Caregiver       200                  Riyal2600

17        Painter | Plumber                    250                  Riyal2550

18        Electrician | Technician          200                  Riyal2500

19        Gardener                                 250                  Riyal2000

Check & Think Your Requirement Post. After decided go to our APPLICATION CENTER and fulfill these requirements.

  1. Your Name & Last Name
  2. Your Email and retype your Email for verification
  3. Short description about yourself your background and your ambition
  4. And at last submit your CV/ Bio Data/ Resume Attached with passport size photo.
  5. And press send bottom

All above task takes only few minutes so fulfill with passion. If you get selected for further round, we are not taking any responsibility. Employer only connect with you from email so better your email address must be accessible. Its full free of cost and our main concern also provide you secure jobs information but there are so many scammers out there and

they try to con you so if anyone claim to our or agents for abroad agents must check their background and details and if they ask you money or bank details please don’t trust them blindly.

Your secure life our prime concern. Send Your document From Here

Open Vacancies in MIDDLE EAST (With LISTED JOBS)